Sunday, September 17, 2006


ok - the little one threw up this morning - it was very huge and very smelly

She cried - being sick always seems to make you cry doesn't it? it's just a foul violent thing that happens when your body needs to get rid of something. Poor little one.

Anyway - she seemed ok after a while - but wouldn't eat much breakie and is now in bed.

You're probably all at church enjoying the praise and worship - i'm gonna tuck myself up in bed and have a pregnancy induced nap!


At 1:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope its nothing to nasty and she gets well soon!

At 3:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww I hate being sick it's nasty yet at the same time that tugging feeling in your belly is horrid that just before you're gona be sick feeling. I always feel better once it's out. Better out than in. THat's what I say.

Hope she feels better soon.


At 3:27 pm, Blogger Jen said...

bless she's been chucking all day

At 5:41 pm, Blogger Mafia! said...

aww no, poor little'n.
I asked ur man this mornin how come she wasn't there and he said she'd been sick.
I hope she's feeling better soon, poor little'n.

At 10:48 pm, Blogger Gem said...


At 9:45 am, Blogger KT said...

Still no internet arrrgghh!

please pass on big hugs to Maddy

Tried to ring you - will try again

Miss u !

Lots of love


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