Sunday, October 22, 2006

How are the twins?

well as you probably know I hadn't felt one of the twins move at all over the last few days so rang the Day Assessment Unit at S.mead and told them about it. (I'd already rang them on Tuesday as had the same problem but decided not to go in as with twins you don't feel them as often. But as i'd been at work the rest of the week I hadn't been paying attention to their movements - when you're pregers you're supposed to count a minmum of 10 different episodes of movement in a day)

Anyway... So I rang Brian who had little one for me as daddy was at work (thank you Brian - i owe you how many now?) At S mead they put me on a trace machine - it has 2 discs which lie on your tummy over the babies hearts and measure their heart rate over a period of time. Twin one - the low one who moves all the time was around 140-150bpm - perfectly healthy. Twin Two was what they describe as tacycardic - 170-180bpm.

At this point i felt a confusing pair of emotions - joy that there was a heart beat and at the same time an aching feeling cos this meant there could be a problem. As soon as the midwife saw the trace 3 Docs arrived by the bed with a scanner. They scanned twin two and although it wasn't active, the fluid looked good and the chord wasn't trapped or wrapped around anything so all in all the baby looked good.

Fortunately the heart rate came down to normal and stayed that way until I left.
The Doc basically said that I need to have a different type of scan called a doppler - this is where they scan the chord and track the amount of blood passing through it to check the baby is getting enough from the placenta. If the baby moves alot through the night then I will have the scan on Wednesday with my normal growth scan. But if I don't have much movement then I have to go in and have it done in the morning.

To be totally honest I am used to being a strong independent person who although having had times of illness, I like to take a victorious approach to being sick. This pregers is a total challenge. I'm having to ask for help alot, sleep alot, am crap company as am pooped after 6 at night and to top it all cant do lots of the things i'd like to do due to physical limitations. I'm trying to have faith about twin 2 - that everything will be ok. But I know that God doesn't always work as we want and although He always has a plan sometimes it's not our plan if you get what I mean.

So this is a request from the heart - can you pray for us all?
thanks guys
love J x


At 10:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're all praying for you here!! We hope and pray everything goes well!!

At 10:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and also you that you have the strength you need!!

At 8:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 8:49 am, Blogger KT said...

We are praying - lots and lots!

God is really good and reminds me to pray for you regularly!

Now I am stepping it up!

I pray that you will know the peace that surpasses understanding!

Loadsa and loads of love,

Miss u all


PS - will be coming to Bristol in Nov sometime - will let u know when!

At 9:48 pm, Blogger Jen said...

brucie babe - i love you xxxx

everyone else big big ta x x x x x


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