Monday, November 06, 2006

Diary of preg woman cont...

So this week is my last week at work - i go on maternity leave on Friday.

ok the pregnancy - The main side effect i'm havin at the moment is that i'm getting real rib pain. One of the babies is forcing my intestines and other organs over the outside of my ribs and it stings. If I press my hand on one of the babies it does get easier but then I feel bad for putting pressure on one of the kids to move out the way!

I've finally finished my birth plan - that's a form that you fill in before the birth stating your preferences for the delivery.

Mine basically says - i don't want a c section at all. The problem with that is with twins hopsitals only like to deliver babies naturally if they are head down. (meaning head aiming to come out first) But ofcourse with twins often one is head down and the other is feet first!
so you could end up with the total disaster of having a natural delivery for the first then and emergency c section for the 2nd. Talk about the worst of all scenarios.
Well when i go to hospital on Wed to discuss my plan i'm gonna basically say if the 2nd twin is feet down then i want to try and have a breech delivery - they will probably say no but i'm gonna try and argue for it. Apparently there is so much sueing of hospitals these days that they do more c sections than ever to avoid anything going wrong.
Anyway - i'll fill you in on what the Dr thinks to my plan.


At 8:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you get what you want chick but just think yeyeyeyyeyeyeyeyeyyyssss no week.

At 8:33 pm, Blogger Jen said...

er no week? do you mean no work babe?

At 11:18 pm, Blogger TommyDB said...

I think she's just lost the plot!

And whatever happens with the birth, we all know God is in control. You've certainly got enough prayer covering :)

At 2:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No work is what I meant and Tommy I have lost the plot, lost it a long long long long time ago. It explains a heck of a lot.

At 7:23 pm, Blogger KT said...

Will be praying!

Tommees right - God is in control - he will make the right way!



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