tonight was good good good
It was a good meeting tonight -
To the fryer - your faithfulness always makes me smile
To the Adman - thank you for the obedience and confidence with which you spoke - looking forward to the next one
To the Minister - thankyou for being my flexible friend and letting the meeting run on
I am always hungry for God - but some times i get busy and the hungryness turns into routine rather than actually purposeful heart thing. Y'know like when you sing the same chorus too many times and the words seems to loose that initial impact they had on you - you still mean them but it's not quite the same freshness it once was.
Tonight i said sorry to God and am determind that i'm gonna do everything i can to stay fresh like a new song in my relationship with my heavenly Dad. Man it was so good to get totally real with Him. I loved it
God I love you - all that I am loves you. I want to talk with you, walk with you more than I do now.
Oh and Lord please please please heal little J - cos i love all the t's too.