Saturday, August 27, 2005

Dreaming of Distant Shores

If I could go anywhere in the world for 5 days I would go to:
  1. Hong Kong
  2. Singpore
  3. Bangkok

If I could go anywhere in the world for 2 weeks I would go to:

  1. The Incas - Machu Picchu
  2. Cape Town and South Africa
  3. The Himalayas

If I could go anywhere in the world for a month I would go to:

  1. New Zealand
  2. Canada's Glacier parks
  3. A South East Asia tour Cities and Beaches

Day dreaming for a short while before returning to the real world of having a family and cash limitations! God has made a beautiful world - HE IS LIKE SO SO SO BEYOND CLEVERLY CREATIVE!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Baby Rhyme Time

The last Thursday of the month is baby Rhyme time at the Library - bascially we all sit in a circle and sing rhymes and do actions.

Before the little one I would have found this type of activity COMPLETELY DULL AND ...WELL TOTAL PANTS REALLY. But add the little one into my life and suddenly it seems like the best way to spend an afternoon.


  1. See the sleeping Bunnies
  2. Hickory Dickory Dock
  3. Twinkle Twinkle
  4. The Owl and the Pussy Cat (technically a poem)
  5. The wheels on the bus (with Mummy dancing!)

There are about 30 mums and babies all sat singing in a circle ( a few dads come but generally look embarressed!) We all chuckle together.

I find this so lovely and The little one Totally loves it. I appreciate most of you will be reaching for the bucket about now!

x x x x

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Honestly this is true but obviously I have to not include specifics to prevent myself from being sued! DO NOT READ ON IF YOU HAVE A DELICATE STOMACH.

A lady once bought herself some fried chicken, she ate it in the cinema whilst watching a movie.
The next day she ended up in hospital with food poisoning.

Once the hospital had investigated the contents of her stomach, they discovered the food in her tummy was actually a deep fried, bread crumb coated MOUSE!

The said mouse had fallen into batter and ended up with the rest of the chicken. Apparently when mice are cooked their bones go soft like chicken flesh. SHe should only have noticed something when she bit into the skull of the animal. THIS IS TRUE ASK ATKINS FOR DETAILS.

The moral of the story - NEVER EAT IN THE DARK!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Today I went to Blaise Cas. Looking forward to a lovely day with some friends and their kids.

Once in the playground i was amazed at how many people were smoking. IT WAS UTTERLY UGLY - KIDS EVERYWHERE... THE HEALTH - THE EXAMPLE - THE SMELL - THE COMMON APPEARANCE. I WAS EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED. The most disturbing thing seemed to be that the majority of the people smoking were younger mothers.

I can understand that if you smoke you are addicted and it's hard to give up. I sympathize with that and believe that in our democratic society people should be able to choose if they smoke. BUT IN A CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND?? Where the majority of individuals are under 5 with tender little developing lungs?? Do you think these people have heard of passive smoking?

Gosh I am cross!

Monday, August 15, 2005


Ahhhh my little one has her first eruption - to those who aren't into dentists jargon she has her first tooth coming through. How cool.....How painful.....How much dribbling.....

Go Gnasher - I love you girl!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Some women are just created stunning


Some people are just created handsome

Bono in the 80's - well 90's as well

John Taylor

Antonio Banderas - in Evita and Zorro

Aragorn - in the flick not the man in real life

Johnny Depp

Tom Cruise - in MI2 lovin the long hair

Tommo ahh

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Note to self: Look before you touch

True story - meant to post the day it happened

Friends of ours who have recently moved to Cardiff came over for a meeting a week or so ago.

We were in the dining room with some other people. P went into the kitchen to make tea - sounds like a normal evening.
I went to the loo to do a tinkle then went into the kitchen. P was putting something in the bin and so I stroked his bum (I try to be affectionate!).
I turned around and saw P making the tea by the kettle my complete and utter embarressment the bum I had been touching belonged to my male friend from Cardiff. It doesn't even resemble P's so how I got confused I will never know. It was dark. The friend just looked at me so embarressed and like - WHAT ARE YOU DOING JEN - (I bet he was secretly thinking 'I always thought my bum was pretty irresistible')

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Am gob smacked at BB's latest episodes. Think world has gone utterly mad!

(nb: only watch it when in and don't have company)

(note to self - must stop watching this stupid reality show and concentrate on reading H.Clinton autobiography)