Tuesday, February 28, 2006

when something's on your mind

Do you ever have days where there is something on your mind bothering you and you can't shift it?
I've prayed and tried to leave this thing with God but still it's bothering me. Usually I just get on with something else but today it's snowing and cold.
I'm gonna go and try to prepare my preaching - hopefully God will help me receive His peace and then the problem will still be there but not be a burden.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Last week my friend who sounds like 'snore' and I returned, after several years of abstinence to Chepstow Choral Society.

To be honest we are the youngest people there by a lots of years but it was so much fun. I was so so hugely excited when I realised they are singing Mozart's Requiem. It's just a breath taking piece. And I love singing with an orchestra. La la la la. Even though my throat is sore i'm going tonight to follow the rehearsal. We're going every other Wednesday night (cos our homegroup will be on the other Wednesday). The concerts on 1st of April so lots and lots to practise!

I'm excited!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

4 thang Nessa style

Four Jobs I have ever had in my life:

1. Sales rep (yawn!)
2. Receptionist in Solicitors
3. Nurse
4. Saturday girl in hardware shop

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

1. Love actually …arh
2. Point Break… Patrick at his best
3. Patriot Games
4. Hunt for Red October

Four Places I have lived:

1. Brum, ma & pa
2. Dudley… in nurses home!!(A more rebellious phase of my life)
3. Bristol… Home sweet Home
4. in my car …..Day after day after day ….

Four TV Shows I love to watch:

1. Nip Tuck… sad eh
2. Friends
3. Top Gear
4. Judge John Deed… (Martin Shaw um… showing my age)

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. Cornwall
2. Cornwall
3. Cornwall
4. Cornw… only joking Men orca, Portugal, Lakes

Four websites I visit daily:

1. Limited by time but occasionally friends reunited
3. ?
4. Sorry how boring.

Four of my favourite foods:
2. Any thing Italian
3. Hot crusty bread and real butter
4. Grapes

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Steam room
2. Walking along the beach
3. with friends relaxing
4. Romantic meal for two with And… prize for the first person to convince him to do it.

Four people I am tagging:

1. Esther (via Nig's Blog - Lozzie can you pass this on please)
2. Adam
3. Tessa (Via Jen's Blog)
4. Becky (via Tessa Via Jen's Blog)

This one's to my God

I need to be in Your presence
I need to stand in under the flow of the Living Water
I need to kneel in the brilliance of Your Glory
I need a touch of Your Fire, to be running over with Your love
I just need to be with You

Monday, February 20, 2006

At Tristan's request - It's a Four thang courtesy of train spotter

Four Jobs I have had in my life:

1. Betterware catalogue delivery person
2. Dishwasher at motorway service station
3. Burger maker at theme park (all the joy of student vacation jobs)
4. Tesco Trading Manager

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

1. LOTR (all of them)
2. Dirty Harry
3. Shawshank
4. Pulp Fiction

Four Places I have lived:

1. Eastwood (mining Town near Nottingham)
2. Lancaster
3. Salisbury
4. Clifton

Four TV Shows I love to watch:

1. Morse - (own the complete collection on DVD courtesy of lovely wifey)
2. Friends
3. Judge John Deed
4. 24

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. USA
2. Sri Lanka
3. Italian Lakes
4. Rome

Four websites I visit weekly (daily are you kidding?):

1. Hotmail
2. LloydsTsb
3. Liverpool FC
4. Athleticsdirectory

Four of my favourite foods:

1. Chocolate
2. Biscuits
3. Steak
4. Lasagne

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. On top of a mountain in the Alps
2. On top of a mountain in the Lake District
3. In the Kop at Anfield
4. In the audience at U2 gig

Four people I am tagging (what is tagging - i'm glad I don't know):

1. Sara F
2. Andy B (via Lozza's Blog)
3. Darren F (via Sara's Blog)
4. Tom SR (embarrassed Man U fan)

Trist I have had to endure mucho whinging about this task - train spotter would rather mow the lawn than interact though a screen - in manner of glorified text messaging - which he also cannot abide! excellent!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Apparently 4 is the magic number - Lozzie style

Four Jobs I have had in my life before being 21:

1. A greek dancer - aged 17 in a greek restaurant
2. Troubleshooter for hosiery factory cutting room (uni vacation)
3. Principles Menswear Suit department - measuring men - ew! (throughout Uni)
4. barmaid

Four Movies I can watch over and over: v diffiult one lozzie

1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Star Wars Empire Strikes Back
3. LOTR - Two Towers
4. Sound of Music

Four Places I have lived:

1. Eastwood (miningtown in Nottingham)
2. Cardiff (various places in the city)
3. Blackwood (Welsh Valleys)
4. Chepstow

Four TV Shows I love to watch at the moment:

1. ER
2. America's Next Top Model
3. Question Time
4. The West Wing

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. San Francisco
2. New York
3. Sri Lanka
4. Melbourne

Four websites I visit daily:

1. Lozzie's Blog - funny we all check out what ya up to
2. E bay - am selling stuff on there
3. BBC News Desk
4. Hotmail

Four of my favourite foods:

1. Anything Greek
2. Trifle made by my mum
3. Walkers cheese and onion crisps
4. Green and Blacks chocolate

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. HOliday
2. Holiday
3. Holiday
4. Holiday

Four people I am tagging (er what does this mean? and am i showing my age?):

1. Fab Anon - cos i love her blog
2. Bruce- cos i wish he would start a blog so i could keep in touch more often
3. Mrs T - cos i'd like to get to know her a bit more
4. Dwayne - cos he has only blogged once

What can you do when you're ill?

I've got tonsilitus - they feel like they are the size of footballs and have got nasty white spots on.
I've got no energy or appetite.
Also my eyes hurt so reading is out.

What does everyone else do when they're ill?

PS Fab Anon can you blog again so i can find out what has happened since you're last blog.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Last nite

so last night we spent some time with the Worship Team
It was so good to actually have some fun and let our hair down.
Thanks for coming everyone.

Big Love
J & P

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Why is it that men do not clean work surfaces - when making themselves a food they either:
a)leave the crumbs with no regard for the person following them
b)attempt to use a dishcloth to clean the crumbs but actually only end up rearranging the crumbs and actually leaving the same mess!


Friday, February 10, 2006

Boundaries? Who needs em?

I've been back at work for a few weeks now and I have so many stories already, but I can't really blog them cos of the nature of my 'clients' (if you know what I mean).

However.. a couple of weeks ago - one of my clients said something to me which caused the rest of the individuals in my room to take a sharp sudden intake of breath and look immediately to the floor... I'm sure you can imagine.

Well I had 'chat' with this client (again i'm sure you can imagine!) and since them the client has been a reformed character and actually made 100% effort. I gave the said client great praise today cos it was duly deserved.

Do we all work best with clear boundaries and would we go off the rails without them?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


y'know i've been watching the BBC version of the Jane Austen Classic Pride and Prejudice for a long time. When i'm sick or tired, I put it on like one of pauls old sweaters and curl up with Mr Darcy and the lake scene at Pemberley... *sigh*

However since the lovely Mr Amazon sent my new DVD of the latest version I have realised that Colin Firth has been relegated to second place in my premiere league of classic movies. The scene where Elizabeth and Darcy meet at dusk is just *huge huge sigh* absolutly moving.

Note to self - must make husband read classic fiction in attempt to make more romance!