Thursday, March 30, 2006

ha ha

Norm sent me this! it took ages but i thought it was a challenge!

these were my results-
Your IQ score is 129!

You are equipped with a verbal arsenal that enables you to understand complex issues and communicate on a particularly high level, making you a Word Warrior. Your command of words is so powerful that you are also a terrific communicator -- able to articulate big ideas to just about anyone.

The power of words translates to fresh ideas off paper too, in both artistic and creative pursuits. This allows you to be a visionary -- to extrapolate and come up with a multitude of fresh ideas.

lol - i have an verbal arsenal!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Honestly now - what is the weirdest thing you've got on your favourites menu?

Mine is ''- i mean really - i'm like a terrible housekeeper!!!!!

the Owens

Got a text from Timmay's papa a couple of days ago. They're safe and having a fab time. Anyone heard from Timmmay?

DOH - he's already blogged!

Monday, March 27, 2006

jobs jobs jobs

Don't ya just love it when you work for a few hours and clear your jobs list alot
I've just organised the next four weeks so i know when i'm gonna be preparing for Worship Team, preparing for preaching and women's day and spending time with lovely hubby and short one!
*satisfied sigh with smile*

Friday, March 24, 2006

I'm not sure about this one

a while back MM preached on encouragement and that gotta me thinkin .

these are somethings I should be saying but haven't in a while - well possibly haven't said at all - but please dont think they're just a** kissin cos i have thought about each one and mean them sincerely

So to the people who read my blog and in no particular order:

Lozzie - you are beautiful on the inside and outside. also i love the way you are prepared to stand up for what you think is right

Mr T - you are one of the most committed and dedicated people I know - consistency matters in the days we live in

Nami - ah Nami you are gifted girl - I love your voice - it is pure and smooth and effortless. sing sing sing

Mrs T - i really like the way you stand up to me - as i get to know you more i do like what i see

Lil Gem - if i had a little sister you would be it - i love you - really i do

Tommy - i believe you are a gifted song writer with tremondous potential - God has got such a plan for you - run after it with all you've got

Timmay - you've been a wonderful encouragment in recent months - i'm looking forward to seeing what God's gonna do with you - He's got you're future in His hands

Sam RV - you are funny girl - your sense of humour is fab fab fab!!!!!!

KT - i miss you. remember all the times you and tall one came round before Ed Ed was saved and became friends - lets see more of each other

Fab Anon - wow what can i say - you're a fine fine lady - all woman and with a sharp wit which i adore

finally ...
Sez - I think of you so often - i still miss you babe........come back soon soon soon

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


so for homegroup we're reading James and learning a couple of verses

James is such a fantastic book of the Bible .... but it is a bit scary cos as I pour through the verses and chapters I realise how far short I fall from God's standards.

Reading it effected me. I prayed before I went to work and asked God to help me throughout my day - I think my day went better cos I made a real effort to be positive in all my conversations and to be patient when dealing with people shorter than myself.

It has been a good day.

Friday, March 17, 2006

some buildings just make my jaw drop

this is in no way a fave list - just some i like - some i've seen some i'm gonna see - hopefully

today my class were so so good - i decided to let them have 10 mins fun fun at the end of the day

So i logged onto and we had.....................
the kids picked a few songs and we had a sing along
it was fab - everyone should try it

You dont have to use the few songs on vanbasco you can upload ither songs into it - really it's coolio

Monday, March 13, 2006

At Last a normal day

Well life's been hectic for ages now
But thank God even though my to do list is still quite long i can have a normal day today.

so far today has consisted of:
7: getting up with little one
7.30 : feeding little one and having chat with Big one about day
8.00: start cleaning dining room - progress to toliet then living room then kitchen
10.30: give little one her milk and play with her
11.00 put little one to bed and spend some time with God and sorting Worship team stuff.
11.30 : catch up on emails
11.37: blog!

sounds dull i know - but honestly I am thanking God for my pressure free ordinary day.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Seven 7 Seven - tagged

Ok my top 7 numbers - that's so tough it's totally harsh man - I love so much music in the world

I've tried to choose a range from different genres Christian, Jazz, Classical, Rock etc to give you a flavour!


1 - Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2
Faith, Political message, unbeatale sound, memories of teenage angst! What's not to love here!

2 - Un bel di, vedremo from the opera Madama Butterfly by Puccini
This is one of the most sublime pieces of music I have ever heard- the music alone serously stirs me - try it.

3 - Fly me to the moon by Sinatra
So romantic - playful - dreamy - everything a girl would ask for.

4 - Moondance by Van Morrison
This one is a personal reason that i'm not gonna share with everyone else - I love the song but it's got memories man.

5 - How Much We Can Bear - By Hezekiah Walker
Black Gospel choir number which talks about Calling on Jesus - the music emulates the message - as the song gets tougher we press into God harder!

6 - Don't stop me now by Queen
This song totally rocks - i sung it with a couple of mates of mine all the way to Winchester on our way to a party and it became our University Anthem - Good times

7 - Elephant Love Melody from Moulin Rouge
I love this - it's so clever how all the different songs knit together - This is deffo my fav Musical.

Voice of Hope - By Lara Martin
THis is my testimony about the little one - i can't sing it without choking up with tears

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

do you ever have those times where you say something and then wish you could take it back?

sometimes I say stuff and later i think - why did i say that - some things seem like a good idea at them time and then.... light dawns - i should have kept it shut.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

first steps of a different kind

So the little angel took first steps today - I help out a toy infront of her and she took 3 little shuffles to get it. I scooped her up in my arms and whooped for joy.
She is such an amazing blessing.

Thankyou God

Sunday, March 05, 2006

sometimes God says no

I'm reading a book at the moment called 'Finding God in the Wilderness'

One of the points i read this morning was that God sometimes says no to the things you want.
Jesus said to His Father - “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.”
And the Father - His Father - said no - because He had a greater purpose.

Sometimes God says no to us - even when it's something we want really bad, even when it's something good - because He has a greater purpose.